Australia's Best Value
SEO Agency

We’ve helped 200+ companies grow their Google rankings using Search Engine Optimisation.

Finally, a SEO Agency with 10+ Years
Experience & Proven Results!

Since 2012, LBD Marketing have approached SEO in a simplified but effective way for our clients. 

We’ve based our reputation on our proven results and our ability to offer a fixed price service with unmatched features, including free setup, customised landing pages (WordPress only), fortnightly reporting and a low commitment period of just 3 months.

We’d love for you to explore our case studies below to see for yourself.

Mitch Gibson – Founder of LBD Marketing

What is included in our Search Engine
Optimisation (SEO) Service?

Search Engine Optimsation (SEO) is split into two categories (on-site & off-site SEO).

On-site SEO is optimising everything on your website to better your chances of getting ranked as high as possible on Google search.

Off-site SEO is optimising everything externally from your website to influence the result.

On-Site SEO Inclusions

On-Site SEO Inclusions

Our team will research what keywords are getting the most traffic for your product & services, allowing you to optimise for the most traffic.

Title Tags

Use a unique and descriptive title for each page including using the primary keyword in the title.

Meta Descriptions

We will write compelling meta descriptions that include keywords.

Header Tags

Use H1 tags for the main page title.
Use H2, H3, and other header tags to structure content.

Keyword Placement

Include your target keyword naturally in the content.
Avoid keyword stuffing, and ensure content remains high quality.

Content Quality

Create valuable, informative, and engaging content.
Aim for longer, in-depth articles when appropriate.

Navigation and Internal Linking

Ensure clear and user-friendly site navigation.
Use internal links for a logical flow between related content.

URL Structure

Use clean and descriptive URLs.
Include keywords if possible.


Create and optimize your robots.txt file to control search engine crawlers’ access.

XML Sitemap

Generate and submit an XML sitemap to search engines to help them index your pages.

Canonical Tags

Use canonical tags to indicate the preferred version of a page when there are duplicate content issues.

Website Speed

Optimize your site’s loading speed.
Compress images and use browser caching.
Minimize CSS and JavaScript files.
Use a content delivery network (CDN) if needed.

Mobile Optimisation

Ensure your website is mobile-friendly and responsive.
Test your site’s mobile usability using tools like Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test.

Duplicate Content

Address and resolve issues related to duplicate content.
Use 301 redirects when necessary.


Ensure your website is secure with an SSL certificate (HTTPS).


Ensure that search engine bots can crawl your site by not blocking important pages in the robots.txt file.

Structured Data (Schema Markup)

Implement structured data to enhance search results and provide search engines with structured information about your content.

User Experience (UX)

Make your website easy to navigate and use.

Image Optimisation

Use descriptive filenames for images.
Include ALT tags for accessibility and SEO.

Content Updates

Regularly update and refresh your content to keep it relevant and accurate.

Setup Google Search Console & Google Analytics

Use tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to track your website’s performance and make adjustments accordingly.

Off-Site SEO Inclusions

Link Building

Acquiring high-quality backlinks from authoritative and relevant websites to improve your site’s authority.

Content Promotion

Sharing and promoting your content on social media, forums, and other relevant platforms to increase visibility and engagement.

Guest Blogging

Writing and publishing guest posts on authoritative websites in your industry with backlinks to your site.

Local SEO

Optimizing your website for local search results, including local business listings and local review management.

Content Syndication

Distributing your content to various platforms to reach a broader audience.

Social Bookmarking

Submitting your content or website links to social bookmarking sites to improve visibility and backlink acquisition.

Press Releases

Creating and distributing press releases about significant company updates or events to increase brand visibility.

Directory Submissions

Submitting your website to relevant and authoritative online directories for increased exposure.

Forum Participation

Engaging in industry-specific forums and communities to build credibility and backlinks.

Video Marketing

Creating and optimizing videos for platforms like YouTube and other video-sharing sites.

Infographic Outreach

Creating and promoting infographics to attract backlinks and shares.

Competitor Analysis

Analyzing and replicating the link-building and promotional strategies of your competitors.

Traffic Analysis and Reporting

Regularly tracking the impact of off-page SEO efforts on website traffic and rankings.

Our Pricing & Packages

We’ve made it really simple to budget for your SEO marketing.

We have a simple base package with the option to add additional keywords.

SEO Core 7

$650 per month (including GST)

– Optimisation for 7 Keywords
– Full Keyword Research
– Keyword Specific Landing Page Creation (WordPress Only)
– Initial On-Site SEO Audit
– Ongoing Off-Site SEO Submissions/Backlinks
– Fortnightly Reporting
– Minimum 3 month commitment

Additional Keywords

$97 (each) per month (including GST)

If you would like to optimise for more than 7 keywords at the same time, simply purchase additional keywords for only $97 (each) per month.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Director, Mitch Gibson has over 10+ years experience in managing SEO campaigns.
Additionally, our account managers have all been with our company for over 8 years.

Our Director, Mitch Gibson has over 10+ years experience in managing SEO campaigns.
Additionally, our account managers have all been with our company for over 8 years.

A keyword is a phrase that you would like to rank when searched on Google.
For example “personal trainer bondi” would be classed as 1 keyword.
Our Core SEO plan includes up to 7 keywords running at the same time.
Additional keywords can be added on for just $97 per month (per keyword).

Yes, we provide a fortnightly report comparing your keyword rankings to the previous 14 days.

For a full list of both on-site and off-site SEO actions CLICK HERE 

We have a SEO Ad brief here where you can fill out all the details of your SEO campaign.

If you have Google Analytics or Google Search Console setup already, we will require access via our brief document.
If you haven’t set this up already, we will set it up for you.

SEO Case Studies

Teko Digital

Teko is a Webflow design and branding agency in Sydney, Australia.

Keywords on First Page of Google include:

webflow agency sydney

webflow designer sydney

webflow developer sydney

webflow agency australia

webflow designer australia

webflow agency

House Check NSW

House Check NSW offers building, pest and pool inspections in Sydney, Australia.

Keywords on First Page of Google include:

swimming pool certification

pool certificate

pool inspection

swimming pool certificate

pool certification

Results Mentoring/Developer Renatover Network

Results Mentoring offers property investing mentoring, coaching and network events.

Keywords on First Page of Google include:

property mentoring

property networking

Grass Hire Australia

Keywords on First Page of Google include:

grass hire

artificial grass hire

artificial turf hire

synthetic grass hire

artificial grass for events

astro turf hire

fake grass hire

Let's Discuss Your SEO Campaign

Simply book a time using the scheduler below to discuss how LBD could help you with Search Engine Optimisation.