Day 23 Aug 2018


Creating a “Trust-Based” Funnel Using Facebook Ads

If you are selling a high-end product or service, you need to create a “trust-based” funnel to get your leads to commit.

As much as we would like it, 99 times out of 100, you will be destined for failure if you think you can sell a high-end service without building a trusted relationship first.

By high end, I mean services and products like:

  • Advanced Courses (Over $1000)
  • Business Coaching & Consulting
  • Multi-Day Educational Workshops

So how do you build a Trust Funnel using Facebook Ads?

Start by giving away free content, whether it’s an eBook or webinar or even a seminar.

Either way, when asking people to opt in, don’t be afraid to ask for their mobile number.

I’m a huge believer that the internet is a great place to source your leads for high-end services/products but the sale is built through a relationship over the phone or face to face.

If they aren’t willing to give you their phone number, they probably aren’t willing to give you their credit card either.

In the example below, we show one of our clients who is offering a free webinar on how to publish a best selling book.

Once you have the lead’s details, it’s important to add them to an email sequence to build further trust.

This could be as simple as asking them how they liked your ebook/webinar etc, or you could give them further content to digest.

Here are a few simple templates you can use for your trust funnel:

Email 1: The Thank You Email – Sent Immediately

Hi {First Name}

Thanks for registering for/downloading my FREE Webinar/eBook {Name of your webinar or eBook}.

In case you haven’t had a chance to look at our webinar/ebook yet, here is the link again: {insert link to content here}

Thanks again,

Your Name.

Email 2: The Follow-Up – 2 days later

Hi {First Name}

Just a quick email to see if you have had the chance to read/watch my eBook/Webinar?

If so, what did you think?

If not, here is the link again: {insert link to content here}

Thanks again,

Your Name

Email 3: The Reveal – (For a service) – 2 days later

Hi {First Name}

We’ve had such good feedback from our ebook/webinar that we’ve decided to launch an advanced program called {name of high-end service}.

If you’d like to discuss how this program could help you, I’d love to organise a quick call with you.

Here is the link to my appointment booker, feel free to schedule a time that suits you best:

{Insert link to scheduling tool, I would recommend}.

Thanks again,

Your Name

Email 3: The Reveal – (For a product/course) – 2 days later

Hi {First Name}

We’ve had such good feedback from our ebook/webinar that we’ve decided to launch an advanced course called {name of high-end product}.

We’d love to have you as part of the program. However, we do have limited places available.

To ensure you don’t miss out, you can register here: {payment checkout form URL}

Thanks again,

Your Name

So what do you think?

It’s time to take action! Start a Facebook Advertising campaign with LBD Marketing today or call (02) 8915 6229 for more information.

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